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Neck & Spine Injuries

Numerous markers in the lumbar discs have been looked at. The presence of the fibronectin advocate complex have been associated with pain. 


Rheumatoid Arthritis

An auto-immune disease that attacks and destroys the protective cartilage that covers the surface of the joints, eventually leading to inflammation of the surrounding tissues.


Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome 

Pain in this joint can be caused by degenerative arthritis often brought on by injury or by an abnormality of the tailbone.  The sacroiliac joint forms the lowest segment of the spine and distributes the force delivered from the upper body.  Sacroiliac joints are located on either side of the sacrum, which is in the low back and pelvic areas.   The function of the sacroiliac joint is to transfer weight and forces due to movement from your upper body through the pelvis to your legs and vice versa.  The pelvis acts as a central base through which large forces are transferred and dissipated.  The primary role of the sacroiliac joint is to provide for stability for the pelvis and bear the load of the upper body.

Why does the sacroiliac joint start having problems? 

Potential causes of sacroiliac joint problems include degenerative disease, history of trauma, pregnancy/childbirth, and other unknown reasons. 


How does the sacroiliac joint cause pain?

The sacroiliac joint is a synovial joint and has a nerve supply that originates from multiple lumbosacral root levels with partial innervation from L2 to S3.  Strong ligaments encase each joint and allow for approximately two to four millimeters of movement during weight-bearing and forward flexion.  When these ligaments become damaged either due to normal wear and tear or by injury, they may have excessive motion.  This excessive motion may inflame and disrupt the joint and surrounding nerves and people feel pain in their back when lifting, running or even walking.​ 

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